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I love the 90's

Show on VH1 that many people in their late teens can remember the best era in time, the 90's.

I Love the 90's!

by Ka June 15, 2004

104πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


In "Homer Goes to College," Homer gleefully sets his high school diploma aflame, while singing, "I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T!" Behind him his living room is going up in flames.

The now legendary "S-M-R-T" line was actually not in the script and was a genuine error by voice actor Dan Castellaneta. However, the error was so much in Homer's character that they chose to include it in the finished product.

People now chant either "S-M-R-T" or "I am so smart, S-M-R-T", particularly when they're feeling stupid, celebratory, or both.

by Kaleah November 3, 2005

241πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Ass frog(s)

Yummie edible gelatin gummie candy formed in a reptile shape with a marshmallow coating on one side, which when held to your nose smells like butt.

I smell ass frogs, did you pass gass?

by White 7 May 1, 2003

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Koenigsegg Agera r/s

By far, the sexiest street legal car in any country. This car has 1100hp as a standard. Not only is it the fastest street legal car at 273mph, but it is one of the most beautiful thing many have laid eyes upon. The car will shit on a Bugatti any day, even on a wet track. The tires have the best traction, it's equal to the traction freshly lotion'ed hands have upon a firm behind. The carbon fibers that they put on the Agera S made the car 13% sexier than it already was before as the plain Agera R. And now you don't have to pay for expensive gas because this motherfucker runs on E85 too. The V8 will make any bitch have an orgasm if she sits on the rear of the car, because that's where nice cars house the engine. The Agera cannot be compared to any other car unless you are simply stating how much it shits on the other car.

This motherfucker sounds like a GE9000 engine at full throttle on a 747 when it passes you going 250mph at Nuremberg. (Fuck your umlauts Germans.)

The koenigsegg agera r/s is in the price range that you cannot afford. Only rich folks like myself may one day have the chance of purchasing a $2,700,000.00 car.

Koenigsegg is only spelled like that so stupid Americans can read it and pronounce it right otherwise it would be KΓΆnigsegg. That's why my PC doesn't give me red squiggly lines under it when I type it in.

Holy shit was that a KΓΆnigsegg (Koenigsegg Agera R/S)?

Yes, indeed it was. I'm going to need a towel because I just shit, pissed, jizzed, and vomited all over myself Braj.

by ShroomBraj April 11, 2013

26πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

S to the i to the m to the p

means SIMP; from Phineas and Ferb, it would mean Squirrels In My Pants (a meme that felix will never understand because he's a simp)

Phineas and Ferb at the same time: S to the I to the M to the P

by ChiefBokMalo May 1, 2020

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Likes the cock

He loved the cock so much he almost loved it more than SFC.

by GUESS July 23, 2003

27πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž

80's Music Connoisseur

1. A master of 80's music.
2. A game where players compete playing their arsenal of the cheesiest, most unlistenable 80's music they know to get the most laughs and "Oh shits!" over their opponent. He/she with the cheesiest music wins.

"God damn man, I was moppin' the floor with this muthafucka! I was hittin' him at all angles with Starship, Billy Ocean, Wang Chung, and some Glenn Frey! I am the 80's Music Connoisseur!"

by G January 21, 2005

30πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž