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Amazing Mumford

Magician muppet character created by Jim Henson for the PBS show Sesame Street. His magic tricks often go awry. His catch phrase, and most-often used to produce his tricks, is "A-là-peanut butter sandwiches"

Can be used to refer to someone who does things with the best intentions, but always seems to mess it up.

How is it you didn't pick up the cheese? There were only five things on the shopping list! You are such an Amazing Mumford.

by Thingsthatmakeyougohmm December 12, 2018


when you meet someone and they call you amazing and you can't think of another word

Cole said "you're.....amazing-er!!"

by k8lyndude June 26, 2017

luna the amazing

luna is the best friend to ever exist they are cooler then u. blake is so rude and could never… ANYWAYS LUNA IS BETTER THEN U LOSERS <333 ok bye

luna the amazing is amazing

by not mady July 8, 2021

Amazing Arena

the worst zone in knuckles' chaotix. it's worse than wacky workbench and definitely worse than hell. it requires to activate these clock things to even beat the level and if you fail, you restart the whole thing. It was also the location that we were sent to after the amazing arena or &knuckles incident

Guys I found a generator we can finally leave amazing arena.
Amazing arena is actually worse than wacky workbench

by name99769 August 25, 2021

Amazing World

Amazing World Is An MMO Game.

Lily: I Love Amazing World!
Mom: OK. Well, What World Do You Think Is Amazing?
Lily: No.
Mom: What Do You Mean?
Lily: What I Mean By Amazing World Is The MMO Game.
Mom: Oh...

by Handle Here August 1, 2018

amazing geezer

UK (only?) : amazing + geezer = amazing geezer

Top bloke, Good man, male person who went above and beyond (the call of duty).

Guy1: That Jeff guy is an amazing geezer; he lent me the cab fare to get home. When I tried to pay him back he said, "keep it as a birthday present"!
Guy2: Sweet! Yeah, he's smarter all right. He paid for my hash too!

by Mart2038 May 31, 2015

Anthony the amazing

an angel from above who changed my life. a wonderful lover and an amazing boyfriend. is loved very much but doesnt know it.

i love my boyfriend Anthony the amazing.

by taiga tagrisco January 28, 2021