1) Somebody who is always walked all over
2) Ancient and rarely used term for a mat made of absorbent fibrous material, placed inside a door, for visitor to clean the soles of their shoes on.
1) "Damn, that loser is such a doormat, he'll do anything you'll tell him!"
by Dale Kerrigan March 27, 2004
2) "wipe your feet before you come in! Use the doormat". Note that ones feet are not in fact cleaned or wiped, it is English idiom, the feet are kept in the shoes, it is the shoes that are dried and cleaned.
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UK (only?) : amazing + geezer = amazing geezer
Top bloke, Good man, male person who went above and beyond (the call of duty).
Guy1: That Jeff guy is an amazing geezer; he lent me the cab fare to get home. When I tried to pay him back he said, "keep it as a birthday present"!
Guy2: Sweet! Yeah, he's smarter all right. He paid for my hash too!
"Yayyo" was the sound that the little baby of my US friend John Maniscola (upstate NY) made when she tried to say I Love You.
I owned the domain Yayyo.com for many years after that.
I eventually sold the domain to a large US corporation so her memory will live on :-)
John: Baby, say I love you
Baby: YayYo
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Abbreviation for "I'm Having The Last Word" - a competitive game played by British children in c.1968, usually played in a shared bedroom shortly after bedtime.
Child1: (checking to see if sibling is awake or not) "I'm Having The Last Word"
Child2: "no you're not..."
5 minutes later...
Child2: "I am".
Child1: "No you're not, I am".
some time later...
Child2 calls name of Child1.
Child1: "what?"
Child2: "I'm Having The Last Word".
... continues until only one child remains awake and whispers, "I WIN!".
The object of the game is to "have the final say" before falling asleep. The Winner is often disputed the following day as nobody else was awake to verify his or her claim.
In brief: A game as silly (empty) as playing Tic Tac Toe (UK: Noughts and Crosses).
Some say the game was a method introduced by parents to get their offspring to go to sleep but this claim itself is also disputed; My younger brother and me invented it and IHTLW :P so there! Word.
synonym and alternate pronunciation for: ass backwards
He looked up assbackards on urban dictionary and some kind bloke had added a redirect to ass backwards for him.
NSFWOK : Not Suitable For Work/Wives Or Kids
Used in the subject line to warn that the content of an email or facebook post etc. is meant for a non-wife, non-husband, non Significant Other, Adult ONLY.
Not for Wives, Husbands, SO's or Children.
NSFWOK Watch this this vid! It is seriously dirty pr0n !!
the act of redirecting something to some other thing. e.g. see redirector NSFW
1. a word used by some smart alec when they try to help other Urban Dictionary users find what they are really looking for.
2. a snobby word used by snobby Wikipedia users, and even snobbier computer programmers.
3. a word used by some cool guy who is dying and needs to make his peace with the world by helping out wherever he can.
1. ask the post office to redirect your mail.
2. some cool guy put a redirect in Urban Dictionary so I found what I was looking for right away.
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