Source Code

Farmer Sutra

the ancient dutch book on the art of erotic barnyard love

jennings reads this every day

by masterofrpg May 14, 2004

23πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Chutney Farmer

A male homosexual - (Chiefly British, Slang, Derog.)

(Chutney being a deep brown vegetable pulp/preserve often served with salads and cold meats).

You can tell that geezer over there is a 'chutney farmer' by the way he walks!

by splatharri September 20, 2006

39πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

farmer snort

Plugging one nostril by placing the index finger on it while blowing out the other one in order to discharge nasal mucus on the ground. The "farmer snort" is a quick, efficient way to blow your nose. Unfortunately, it's also a quick, efficient way to guarantee you won't get a second date either.

Damn, Frank was pretty glued when he was at Mike's house. First he farted out loud, then he did a farmer snort on the living room carpet. Mike dial toned him on the spot.

by Frank Klaune May 2, 2005

158πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

Farmer's Wipe

When you don't have a handkerchief or a tissue, you place your thumb over one nostril and proceed to expel your snot out the other. Also know as: Let the Sidewalk Be Your Handkerchief."

I couldn't find a Kleenex, so I leaned out the window and gave a farmer's wipe.

by creedmoor October 20, 2009

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Cunt Farmer

One who is known for trolling clubs and other hot spots in search of sexual conquests, and is more often than not successful.

man, jay is such a cunt farmer. i saw him get 5 numbers in one night.

by specksy November 26, 2010

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Farmer Jens

a big man who has no respect for other people at all, and who gives kΓ₯ldolmere all the time.
No one likes him

You are such a Farmer Jens

by Allan December 25, 2004

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friend farmer

A person who just seems to collect friends, to the point that it's like she's farming them. (i.e. She has so many friends that they're just like possessions, or livestock, to her now.)

Jacqueline has so many friends, but she doesn't even really talk to half of them; it's so obvious she's just trying to be popular. What a friend farmer.

by genevieve December 2, 2004

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