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Gerbil girdle

Sexual act where one wraps a hamster/gerbil with duct tape prior to insertion of the erect penis into the animal, this is done so that the hampster/gerbil doesn't explode whilst getting fucked.

You guys wanna come over and see my gerbil girdle?

by Dump truck January 24, 2017

gerbil o clock

The time of day you inject gerbils into your system. One cage is at the mouth, one at the asshole, and gerbils are let in to explore until one is turned inside out by the gerbil conga. Done at exactly 11:14AM preferably on tuesdays. Popular with gay men. The time of day is incredibly important to those performing the act for symbolic reasons. Time specific gerbilling

Wow, Gerry! It's Gerbil O Clock! Everybody pray for Gerry!

by EwoksinspaceUrbanDictionary December 27, 2017

Gerbil boy

Small fluff of love that need many cuddles.

Much like napoleon, what we see here is a wet gerbil boy.

by Shariff~ March 25, 2018

feeding the gerbil

female masturbation, similar to 'choking the chicken'

"Where is Bethany?"

"Oh, she's feeding the gerbil, dontcha know."

by YouChubi September 8, 2008

Gerbil Farmer

A man or woman that let's gerbils run and play in there asshole and breeds gerbils for a loving.

We always knew that Steveo was a gerbil farmer. He always had gerbils in his pockets.

by Zzz1987 October 24, 2022

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