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Granny maracas

Testicles, balls, ball sack, nut sack.

"Phillip sent us all a snapchat of his junk, he has the fucking smallest granny maracas"

by arcticmunkii June 19, 2016

Granny lip-it

When your girl has braces but you don't want your peter getting diced up. She uses her lips to cover both teeth and braces.

On a cold winter night, Beth and I were feeling really horny. However Beth is still a virgin but gives 10 out of 10 slop top. Last time Beth gave me A1 slop top, my foreskin got caught in her braces causing me major pain and I bled. I had to punch her in the forehead to be set free. I told Beth to granny lip-it this time.

by Marcamango September 29, 2020

Fanny Granny

1. A grandma who gets a little too touchy on her husband's booty.

2. A grandma who collects fanny packs and uses them to wipe her butt.

3. A grandma who is mean and does not accept your butt jokes.

1. Stop being a fanny granny and leave grandpa alone!
2. My fanny granny did not let me have a fanny pack, I guess I see why. They smell of butt.
3. Don't be a fanny granny. My butt joke was actually funny.

by IKnowItAllSucka August 5, 2019

granny fly

an older woman who tries to make herself look younger by wearing large amounts of make-up and/or the latest fashion clothing and accessories and/or often makes use of cosmetic surgery.

Does that granny fly really believe she looks attractive?
That granny fly must spend a fortune on cosmetics.

by Stormrider0 April 23, 2009

granny booty

a saggy big booty

Bro she got that granny booty 😂

by Theylovvmal March 15, 2021

Granny's Round

A discreet way of mentioning that a girl is on her period.

Girl 1: Whats up?
Girl 2: Granny's round...
Girl 1: aah...

by MaryLauryn July 27, 2011

Granny wrangler

A more crass term to describe the job of someone who works with the Geriatric community; particularly in the Dementia department of a hospice care company

I'm a granny wrangler in the Dementia department

by Bad_Idea_Fairy January 13, 2015