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A pronoun (not yet established by the 'LGBT') umbrella term used to describe a person who's 'trans', 'non-binary' and 'ace'

A pronoun with a flag simular to the straight flag, but with a few colorful elements.


by crowmechai_ September 17, 2021


Big cock handsome boy

Ide has a big cock and he is very handsome

by 玩你妈呢sb January 27, 2022


Modern spelling of I would, from Old English ic wolde. Same as I'd but without a capital letter or apostrophe requirement. e is added for phonetics and disambiguation from id and ID.

ide like to think that we can get over the need for apostrophes in general speech.

by jasonSkeen June 12, 2023

school id

an annoying card that has a picture of you on it like you were in a mugshot, homeroom teacher, grade, name of school, and your name . typically have to be worn on your neck and usually gotten in middle school and higher. WILL IRRITATE SENSITIVE SKIN

wtf my school id made me itch so much i have a rash on my neck

by *NINJAGO* December 8, 2021

Id hoc

An idiotic form of ad hoc, where someone appears to work unproactively without any plan in place, instead, working on a reactive basis which requires very minimal effort and work.

Person A: "Their approach appears to be very id hoc"
Person B: "Don't you mean ad hoc?"
Person A: "No, I mean id hoc = idiotic ad hoc"

by Schrodingers Douchebag October 20, 2020

ID Sniping

ID Sniping is difficult challenge, where a user signs up to Roblox just before a cool ID Number hits, in an attempt to sign up as the user with this cool user ID.

Accounts like Million Milestones, Several Recurring Digits, and Really Cool Patterns are what people try to get from ID Sniping.

Dylan was such a pro at ID Sniping, he managed to become the 123456789th user on Roblox.

by wrassi July 28, 2024


Same definition as "Punked" or "Owned" but said with a Brazilian accent usually used as way to let your buddy know something bad just happened at his or her expense.

The door guy got punk-id by an elderly patron.

by faixa preta September 18, 2007