your parents said this when you were born
"oh no what have i done this makeup isn't good"
Whenever something is forgotten or unmentioned, misspoken or mistaken, use the phrase "What wasn't I thinking?"
Andrea forgot her friend's birthday. She called her and said, Happy Belated Birthday--- "What wasn't I thinking?"
Oral reference to a meme -
when you are actually out there in the real world but still stuck on memes.
"the feels man, if you know what i meme"
“WHAT CAN I SAY WHAT CAN I SAYY” while doing the hand movements
A phrase expressed by the lord of all things physical and spiritualm Garfielf.
Jon : Garflied, did you eat all the lasaga again?
Garflief: I eat Jon, it's what I do.
A way to convey that what you do is far beyond the ordinary to others and at the same time mundane and boring to you..
It's what I does Aphrase used when being awesome but being humble.
Dude you just talked your way out of the drunk tank..
"Its what I does" no big deal