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Vegetable Lasagna

Catch all term when referring to douche-bag first dates and/or new boyfriend that probably won't make the cut

Are you still seeing that guy? Who, Vegetable Lasagna? No, I gave him the boot

by Pudie February 3, 2010

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Mexican Lasagna

1. Code word for Tequila. Often used in conversation by underage drinkers.

Person 1: Yo what are we going to have tonight?
Person 2: Some Mexican Lasagna.
Person 1: Sweet!

by ~j.ln. February 2, 2010

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bitch lasagna

celebrating something early when its not meant to be

T-series ain't nothing but a bitch lasagna

by birbb April 1, 2019

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Bitch lasagna

The best roast to defete T-seris

T-seris aint nothing but a bitch lasagna

by Spencertainment TV May 8, 2019

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smashing lasagna

When 2 or more friends get together and cram hot Italian food inside of their neighbors mail boxes.

"Bobby got arrested last night"
"What for"
"Cops caught him smashing lasagna all over the apartment complex"

by Zedzel March 23, 2017

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Itch lasagna

When your christian but you still support PewDiePie

Person 1: *singing Itch lasagna*
Person 2: Why are you singing it like that?
Person 1: because PewDiePie is my dad

by BigFatDuck March 13, 2019

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sloppy lasagna

when your going down on a one nighter or 6 pack chic, and you take her pants off... at this point you have forgotten to shut the lights off!!! and the labia hang like slave of wizard, which reminds you of home cooked lasagna with the cheese melting off!

"yo eric, i came home wit dat ho, she took her pants off and "oh shit" SLOPPY LASAGNA!

by girl from hateration! April 21, 2009

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