When someone blocks you and you don't know why.
Help! Someone blocked me for no reason on Sketchers United!
The only reason why I'm still here yet. They make me feel alive , they make me happy.
And I'll never be thankful enough to them.
An iconic phrase previously used Superstar Cardi B, that is used when someone can not answer your question and is being sus.
The phrase can also be used when u feel that a person is lying to you.
The phrase is usually shouted or exclaimed for emphasis.
You: "Why?"
Friend "..i dunno"
You "What was the reason!"
When some reasons are so convincing but turn out it's all wrong and misguide people inadvertently.
don't listen to that guy over there, he gives T's reasons.
Everything happens for a reason, even if the reason is not apparent to you.
What happened to him/her didn't happen without a reason, even if he/she didnt know what the reason was.
Oh boy, he's the best person you'll ever meet, hes super tall and attractive, has somewhat of an e-boy style, super cute boy. his hands are as soft as his lips.
Friend: Oh this one boy is so cute!
Other friend: Must be a Reason!
A reason for doing or feeling something related to be being a stud.
Friend #1: "Hey man, why are you happy?"
Friend #2: "Studly Reasons my friend, Studly Reasons."