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Love is not something that can be easily explained. and you don't truly know what it is until it happens to you. Love is not wanting to have sex with someone. Thats lust.

Love is when you can't imagine life without him. It's getting butterflies in your stomach at the mention of his name or the sound of his voice. Its when you'll do anything just to catch a glance of his car or his house because you know he's there. Or even that he's not there. But because it is proof that he exists when you can't imagine yourself being this lucky.

Love is when you wake up every morning and have to look at your phone and look at your saved messages to make sure that he isn't just a dream. Because you feel like even you don't deserve someone this amazing.

Love covers flaws and makes you love someone for who they really are and accept their mistakes.

Love hurts.

Love is when you say "i love you" and its not enough. Because it feels like more then that.

Love changes you.

Love lets you trust someone with everything. Yourself, your possesions, your life.

Love is when you don't have sex but he still continues to risk everything to talk to you even after you've broken up because your parents won't let you go out because of the age difference. Even if its six months later.

Love waits.

I wish i could tell you how much you mean to me. The best i can do is tell you i love you.

by I love apple pie ;) February 25, 2009

131๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


Love is something that you will only find once. And if you lose it you will spend the rest of your life trying to get the feeling back. But true love is never lost, at least not forever...and lust can be deceving, and make you think its love but once you really find it, you will know, and nothing else will matter. Its a feeling in the bottom of your stomach that tells you that you couldnt be happier. Love is a feeling that amounts to no other in whole world!!

Did you hear, Samantha loves Michael?

by spam o jo jo jo November 20, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


"A soul's recognition of its counter part."

A look into someone's eyes that could last for hours. Finding love thorugh the windows of the soul. An ever-lasting mark that has always been with you and will remain with you for eternity.

by hans melo August 12, 2006

138๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Natures way of letting you know that even when you're happy you can still feel extreme pain

"I love her/him so much it hurts"

by james :p September 19, 2005

334๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž


Possibly the most painful human emotion ever felt.
Love is the desire to help the person even if you have to pay the price, love is the desire to look past someones flaws, love is unconditional, or it's not real love.
Love is the worst and best emotion.

Me: I love you. :)
My girlfriend: I love you too. :)

by Demonic bro December 8, 2013

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Love is involuntary. Love is a feeling of strong and constant affection for a particular person. You are attracted to the persons physical appearance, their personality and their mindset. You feel an intense urge to consume that person in any way you can. You love them for who they are, imperfections and all. Love is a special bond/connection because of similarities. Love is understanding each others needs and reading each others minds even when your so far apart. Love is sensing that your lover in upset or in despair. Love is the greatest healing therapy known to mankind. You cannot live without love. Love makes you happy, weightless and carefree. Love is even when you fight you don't talk badly of each other because you know their actions came from a good place. They can come at you with anything, news, secrets or even a baseball bat and you won't judge or hate them for it. Love is the desire to make your partner happy whether big or small. Love is having an urge to hold each other, kiss each other and engage in sexual intercourse. Love is loyalty through good and bad times. Love is when you sit together and not exchange a word for hours but your happy and content and everything flows smoothly without complication. Love is the reason for sleeplessness, loss of appetite, racing heart, sweaty and trembling hands, panic attacks of despair when your relationship suffers even the smallest setback. Love is the medicine for an aching heart.

Elizabeth: "I love you with all my boobs, I would say my heart but my boobs are way bigger".

by selfless love October 22, 2017

36๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


What is love? Sometimes I get lost in this simple thought. Sometimes I get lost in your eyes. But then I realize that that is where I want to be. Love is you making my heart smile, and making it sing with such exuberance that it will skip a beat from time to time. And you know what? That`s ok. Because once in a while my heart needs that. Once in a while I want the butterflies in my tummy to flutter and I like getting my heart caught in my throat. Because those are the simple signs that show that I love you. So I will try, just promise me to meet me in the middle. Don`t go too far because I don`t want this relationship to be one sided. I want to do my share too. Just meet me in the middle. And wait for me there.


That special someone

Unexplanable feeling

Herald of angels

by Aryam-may March 21, 2005

173๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž