A pile of empty, crushed up beers. First used in the skate film Soda Pile (2018).
Damn, I hope the cops don't see that soda pile.
Damn skate kids left this soda pile here and now I got to clean it up.
Method of organizing one's home or office desk in stacks of paperwork. To the untrained eye, a pile-a-gorized desk looks like a mess. But to the pile-a-gorizer, it is easy to find anything because you know exactly where it is.
cube farmer 1: I'm looking for the Johnson file. Is it on your desk?
cube farmer 2: No, I don't have it.
cube farmer 1: How can you possibly tell? It looks like a tornado ripped through here?
cube farmer 2: I've got it all carefully pile-a-gorized.
When a person masturbates in the bath tub while 5-however many assholes will fit around the rim of the tub and shits on the bather.
Later on my bf an his friends are going to Eskimo pile on me. An Eskimo pile at the end of the day always relaxes me.
When a grown man dress's in a skimpy school girl outfit and while masturbating pounces on unsuspecting victims.
Anthony giddy piled a school girl once...now he's not allowed within 300m of schools.
Loot Pile™ is a company founded by CallMeCarson. The idea of Loot Pile was concepted on Twitch. While still in development, many fans look forward to the release of this service. Similar to Loot Crate, Loot Pile delivers a pile of garbage to your doorstep.
"Hey, do you have a subscibtion to Loot Crate?"?"
"No, but I have a subscription to Loot Pile"
Making BM. Taking a shit that is extremely soft, yet not quite diarrreah.Usually is light brown in color and who's odor resembles that of a small stagnant pond or old frog terrarium.
" after breakfast i plan on having a cigarette, a cup of coffe and making mudd"
"Please take a look at the mudd pile I just produced"
"I have extreme mudd butt right now"
"That fast food is a sure fire way for me to produce a filthy mudd pile"
When someone's belongings are gone through unknowingly and reclaimed as theirs.
Hey where's my sun glasses? Someone's been shiny piling my things...