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pelican leg scramble

The sexual act of inserting a healthy pelican anally and defecating using your feathered friend as a filter, causing scrambled fecies to run down the scrambler’s leg.

That prostate exam gave me flashbacks of the time I tried out the pelican leg scramble

by TheManShomDom September 21, 2018

Chicken Scrambles

A Southern Indianian delicacy consisting of scrambled eggs and chicken (usually fried).

"Maaaa!!! Fix me up some scrambles!"
"I hope they done do chicken scrambles the same way my mama done did it"
"Christian sure loves his chicken scrambles"

by Trump4Prez February 17, 2016


Someone that looks like an egg

William is looks scrambled after his new haircut

by March 26, 2024


Cocky or arrogant. Over confident in ones one own abilities, status, or ego.

Joe, stop being scrambled. You are handsome but not that handsome.

by HappyKarmaKaze September 22, 2019


The New United States Ultimate Classified Security Clearance Level. A MKULTIMATE password for when gaslit nitwits from the 20th Centuries behave on MKULTRA full-field scrambled-eggs principles of classified bullshit.

I went into the chaplain's office to run clerical on my GangStalk MurderKill GasLIGHT Obsecration OrDERs, and the cleric was, like, "Welcome to GoodBurger, Home of the GoodBurger. Can I take your order...?" And I was, all, "I need one GoodBurger, hold the greasy-ass, sleazy-ass, cheesy-ass, square-ass, Wish.com-ass, big-forehead-ass, bad-whopper-ass, dumbass cheeseburgers. Do you need to check my security clearance level? How about Medium-Rare, With a Side of Grilled Asparagus Spears and a Baked Sweet Potato? I'll also have a giant tub of spaget, a grilled gruyere cheese sandwich, and, literally, fucking ANYTHING BUT SCRAMBLED EGGS!" And the cleric was, like, "Sounds like you're privy to some classified shit. So The Fuck OrDERED; So Mote It The Fuck Be. A Fucker Men. Praise The Lord God Almighty."

by Medicine Owl March 2, 2023

uber scramble


1. feel or cause to feel harry from the moment an Uber pick up time is set until the actual boarding of an Uber vehicle.


1. state of intense harry as in the panic felt after an Uber pick-up time is set until said vehicle is boarded.


"forgetting her purse, Morwenna had Uber scrambled her way to embarrassment"


"the panic on John's face read of Uber scramble"

"in a mad Uber scramble, Helena tripped over her own feet causing minor injury to her coccyx"

by Trintastic November 27, 2016

Ice Scramble Coffee

Ice Scramble Coffee or Coffee Ice Scramble, also known as Iskrambol Coffee or Coffee Iskrambol, legally Trademarked, is an Ilonggo Filipino dessert drink concoction of coffee, shaved ice, milk and sweet toppings by Victor Martin Soriano and owned by the iconic MERCEDES LEDESMA ARENAS. This drink originated in CuarteroSt., Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines.

Ice Scramble Coffee or Coffee Ice Scramble, also known as Iskrambol Coffee or Coffee Iskrambol, legally Trademarked, is an Ilonggo Filipino dessert drink concoction of coffee, shaved ice, milk and sweet toppings by Victor Martin Soriano and owned by the iconic MERCEDES LEDESMA ARENAS. This drink originated in Iloilo City, Philippines.

by Victor Martin Soriano ILOILO February 4, 2025