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maple syrup sex

When level ten Canadians have sex they secrete maple syrup out of their orifices. Not to be confused with level nine Canadians who only use it for lube.

Paul: After that hockey game on Friday do you want to partake in maple syrup sex?

Nick: Only if we're talking about level 10 maple syrup sex, not that level 9 shit.

by Bedsheetgoddess February 4, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

italian syrup steamer

after an italian fellow performs a cleveland steamer on girls chest, he turns around and jacks off on her, releasing his syrup.

i was at barbettes looking to get a classy drink. i asked for an italian syrup steamer off thier menu, and was led to the back room. the sexual act was fun, due to the great acoustic act playing in the background.

by stokesdawgkillah April 30, 2010

66๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nipple Syrup

Has been determined as Milk,
by Kate and 3.14 Michael were on the phone and Michael Mistook the conversation about
"Maple Syrup" From Captain K-Nuckles.
And thought he heard the word Nipple.... Syrup.

In which, created the commonly used coined term, nipple syrup

"yeah we are going to live in a whale, like flapjack"
"and be like captain knuckles and drink maple syrup"
"no.. maple"
"oh i swear you said nipple"
"because I drink nipple syrup huh"

by minikatee August 10, 2008

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sippen syrup

It's a clean version of "purple drank" and "sizzurp". This drink is full of vitamins and stuff to help you naturally relaxe so you dont have to use promethazine since that is a bad drug.

John: Hey man wanna drink sum purple shit?

Mike: No man I hate to be leanin off that, I would rather drink the clean sippen syrup.

by vulkandeathgrip November 18, 2010

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Syrup sipper

Derogatory word for canadians

"Fuck Trump im gonna move to the land of the syrup sippers"

by Cotton5841 February 26, 2017

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Kentucky cough syrup

a tasty drink, better known as a hot toddy which is comprised of hot tea and whiskey. Produces a very soothing effect on the throat.

I'm kinda sick and i have some jack daniels, think i'll make some kentucky cough syrup.

by oorah72 December 28, 2010

cherry cough syrup

Your worst nightmare. Because you take it before bed but you throw it up until you get the taste out and then sleep until your parents wake you up with more of it since you are still coughing.

Cherry cough syrup (ChairEE COFh SIRup)
Mom: here ya go u will feel all better!!!
Me: okay thanks

Me: *takes it and chokes to death but cough syrup flows out of mouth*
Mom: you have to take it!

Mom: *leans your dead body on your back then she dumps the cough syrup into your mouth*
Mom: all better.
Mom: *she dusts off her hands then walks out*
Me: *le still dead*

by UntilTheEndBB February 21, 2015

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