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A book series that destroyed decades of progress in young adult literature, as well as passed up strong female protagonists like Eowyn from lotr (who kills the king of the nazgul and fights alongside men, disregarding stereotypes), Hermione from Harry Potter (who, when her boyfriend leaves fights evil wizards instead of moping), and Celaena from Throne of Glass (an all-around badass) for a stereotypical, apathetic, and unrealistic main character, Bella.

Bella is the complete opposite of a strong female protagonist, basing her entire self-worth off the opinion of her boyfriend, disregarding all other aspects of her life, including her family, schoolwork, a future career, and her physical and mental health for her boyfriend. She stays with and pursues a man who has an unhealthy power dynamic in their relationship and threatens her multiple times with physical harm.

Stephanie Meyer successfully upholds unhealthy gender stereotypes through these books, teaching young girls that without a hot boy you are nothing. She also teaches that a 109 year old man watching a 16 year old girl in her bedroom without permission is sexy, a grown man vowing that he is in love with a newborn is appropriate, and that your significant other's opinion of you is the only measure of your self-worth.

Also, VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE and it is ridiculous to propose that they do. Meyer once said "the idea for Twilight came to me in a dream," and that dream may have been drug-induced.

TWILIGHT FAN: omg Edward is so hot omg omg i'm going to go reread the series i wish i were bella can you believe Breaking Dawn?!?!
ME: Get a life. Also, you realize you are crushing on a 109 year old man who stalks teenagers, right?

by allthatisgolddoesnotglitter December 4, 2016


A beautiful time of day, between day and night, very inspiring time with amazing lighting.

.........and a crappy book.

We went on a date at twilight.

by the Awesome Sause November 25, 2010


similar to the "spiderman" - the twilight is when you give your girl a facial and immediatly after smack her in the face with a handfull of gliter, thus making her look like a sparkling vampire

similar to the "spiderman" - the twilight is when you give your girl a facial and immediatly after smack her in the face with a handfull of gliter, thus making her look like a sparkling vampire

by jbskillet44 March 31, 2011


A movie and book written by some girl named Stephanie but I don't know what her last name is. The main idea of the book/movie is about a forty thousand year old guy trying to hook up w/ a sixteen year old girl.

Edward- Hey!!! Wanna' go out?!!!
Bella- How old are you?
Edward- Uhhhh
Edward- Only a few *mumbles* thousand *goes back to normal voice* years old
Bella- Only a few what?!
Edward- Thousand okay!!! I'm a few thousand years old okay!!!!
Bella- OH MY GOD!! You little creep!! Or not so little creep!! ... So what anti-aging cream do you use?

The reality of Twilight

by Freddles99 July 14, 2011


Complete And Utter Shit

Twilight Fucking Sucks Shit 'nuff said

by Jointman2756 September 2, 2015


adjective: to describe something that is all sparkly but no substance

They really twilighted the Oscars this year

by Radaza April 15, 2011


A movie and book that middle aged mothers watch when dealing with a divorce.

Sphen - "My mom's really into Twilight at the moment"
Dan -"Oh no... Say bye bye to your dad then"

by Phantomlight March 30, 2019