Paradisical is a play on parasitic and paradise. A reminder to stretch horizons and avoid comfort zone bias.
I finally decided that the 14 day cruise ship was getting a little paradisical, rerouted my flight ticket and got off early on day 10 to rent a jeep and explore the inland instead.
Having the quality of paradise
Me: Colin, that island sure looks paradisical.
Colin: Is that another word youre gonna submit to urban dictionary?
Me: hmmmm
Daytime dogging in rural locations.
Clemmy couldn't wait for Chip to get back from Frisco, so they could go to Lavender Paradise together.
A three episode animated series created by popular animator Egoraptor. It is a parody of popular shounen anime.
Guy numero uno: Ew! Are you seriously watching anime?
Guy numero dos: Nah man. This is Girlchan in Paradise.
common mishearing of gangsta's paradise
npesta is a gd youtuber also known as the guy who goes "huhuhu OH MY GOD yea yea"
wanna listen to npesta's paradise
you mean gangsta's paradise