A kid that acts like a boomer and rejects modern pop culture. He will rant to you about modern times like a boomer would, but somehow itโs 10x more annoying.
Kid: hey check out this post on instagram
Boomer kid: I donโt even use Instagram
Kid: I wasnโt even talking to you
Boomer kid: Modern day music sucks, I wish I was-
Kid: shut the fuck up
This person is someone being annoying or talking shit about a younger generation. Sometimes used in a joking way among friends. This person also took the fucking kids. Its our worst nightmare.
Me: "Oh shit we found a Karen Boomer!"
My friend: "A rare discovery indeed."
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
It's gonna kill all the boomers
Hey bro *shakes hand* I just gave you boomer doomer
191๐ 29๐
A post or verbally stated postulation presented with the sole intent to get baby boomers to agree with it and express their approval via likes, shares, comments, exc. Typically, these posts will draw upon pre-standing biases/fears that are common for baby boomers to have. Such as; an aversion to technology, the thought that younger generations are lazy or entitled, jingoism, and the fear/hate/confusion of the LGBTQ community.
Typical Facebook timeline boomer bait:
"The world could use less Xboxes, and more tackle boxes. Share if you agree."
"Bravery used to mean you went to war and fought for your country. Now it means you're a man who likes men and won't shut up about it. Stop the world, I want off."
"Like if you love America, Share if you think it's the greatest country the world has ever seen."
Caption under a photo of a manual shift lever.
"This car is equipped with a Millennial anti-theft device."
25๐ 1๐
noun: An old-timer who constantly mutters things along the lines of "back in my day, I used IRC chat rooms to download illegal contents by sending commands to bots. Also Yahoo and MSN messenger were the best instant chat clients accessible." They were the first proper internet-raised generation but can't really keep up with Gen Z.
DrPayne: "The urge to be a cunt toward a 14 year old is hard to hold back right now."
Me: "ok internet boomer"
19๐ 1๐
The White ultra monster energy drink, commonly drank by boomers.
Yo kyle, can you pass me some boomer juice
A sexual move where a female blows into a male's asshole like a tuba. If done properly, the male's penis will blow up like a balloon. The male proceeds to "boom" her.
Bro #1: Yo, I had a hard time getting it up for Patricia last night.
Bro #2: Yeah Bruh? What'd you do?
Bro #1: You know my move Brozzle! Tuba boomer.
Bro #2: Hell yeah! Bet she'll come back for more...