Source Code

COD Fantards

A child within the age of 7-13 who whines and obsesses over the infamous game series that is "Call of Duty". Usually FaZe member wannabes, they love to try and act "gangsta" to look cool. Really, though, they act stupid. When the match begins, they usually get pissed off whenever they get killed. They also usually suck at the game, getting about a score of 7/15 after the match, rarely getting higher.

Long story short, a CoD fan makes the online gaming community worse.

CoD Fantards: OH MY GAWD GTFO HERE!!! 1! 1!

by q543frodomar June 4, 2017

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CoD Relapse

When a person plays any Call of Duty game online for an extreme amount of time and after they cease they hallucinate visions of campers, Sentry Guns or AC130s.

Aw shit bro, I played CoD6 MW2 on Xbox Live for too long. I could of swore I viewed a guy coming up to knife me. Totally had some CoD Relapse.

by eSPo253 February 15, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

cod 4

An abbreviation for the game title Call Of Duty 4 - One of the best games out for the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360. Another shorter abbreviation is just plain old 'cod'.

Yo, wanna play some cod 4 tonight?

I going to try and my golden LMG on cod 4 tonight

Cod has taken over my life...who gives a shit

by Freddy R May 26, 2008

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Cod Father

When someone is so good at Call Of Duty.

"I hear John is becoming a Cod Father".

by jaxxation3 November 19, 2010

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COD's Law

Refers to the online multiplayer in the Call of Duty (usually Modern Warfare 1 and after) franchise. This scientific law states that any given player in any point in time is in his mind the optimal skill level:social life ratio, i.e anyone who is better than the player would be "loser who lives in his moms basement who has no life" and anyone worse is "such a f***in noob", who the player, respectively, pwned.

Player after losing a FFA match: "Wow that guy just went 30-1, probably some fat loser with no life."


Same player after beating somebody: "HAHAHA 3-45!!! you fkin NOOB i RAPED YOU!!!!"

Friend: "Wow man that's COD's Law for ya."

by kgenUB6IB9 February 5, 2010

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cod ghosts

The worst Call of Duty game you will ever play.

RandomGamer165: "Want to play cod ghosts?"
Gamerdude152: "Fuck no, that game sucks."

by d-u-f-f-man- March 15, 2014

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CoD 4

Easily the best Online Console FPS. although played on P.C format, its hardcore fans stay console based.

But don't be warned, this game has a reputation for utterly addictive gameplay, which can cause the breakdown of any social life what so ever. This game can not be casually played at first; its simple.....You log on, play you sit there, leveling up and just trying to unlock that new camoflauge, or desert eagle you really want......Or need.

Before you know it, 3-4 hours have passed and you haven't took of your school bag, i should know, its happened to me.

My coursework rates dropped and my actually real life friends stopped talking to me for a while, until i finally hit that prestige 10, lvl 55 Level cap.

But the enjoyment does not end there, i went for golden guns and fopr the next few weeks my battle with RL and the game becaome stupid, i was foing allnighters, not going out all weekends just to Get my red tiger scorpion.

So dont say i dident warn you, say hello to CoD 4 Say goodbye to your life.

Oh CoD...How i love you so... <3

Jack-Dude you playing CoD 4 tonight?

Will- OFC BRO! Im on as soon as im back!

Jack- cool, we have a clan match at like 6, but it got prosponed, so youdont mind sdtaying up till like 3 to play it huh?

Will-Nah thats 1337 Pwning teh nubs after dark is more fun!

Jack- ^.^

Will ^.^!

by Jack cochran / G o D l YxGiFtZ October 2, 2008

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