Doing Homosexual Acts under the Influence of drugs and/or Alcohol
Guy 1: Whoa! is that Janice and Leanne Making out in the back of Leanne's car?
Guy 2: Yeah it is!
Guy 3: Janice is really pulling a dock on that one
Someone who is a cuckhold and romantically interested in the rapper Eminem. May also be a member in the maga cult. An all-around jerk.
Have you seen that man in the bear mask hitting people with a tomahawk? Yeah, he's a real Dock Kockem.
Middle age to older women/cougars that hang out on the water front looking for men with boats. Almost always drunk.
Hey lets pull the boat up to the marina and pick up some dock lizards! Maybe we can all get laid!
A form of defense in the game of basketball where the defender sticks his penis in the offensive players eye and then blocks his shot.
Man my friend Ryan sure did seem to love getting the Dock and Block from that big black fat Cock
Where one dips their genitals into an iced beverage, preferably of the tropical variety (eg. a coconut, mai tai) before partaking in the act of docking.
“We decided to spice things up a bit, so obviously we went for a dip and dock”
When two men pull back their foreskin with their dicks touching. One man starts by pulling his foreskin over his dick and stretches it over the head of the other mans cock. The other man then does the same. They have now dick-docked.
Let’s join together and dick-dock.
1👍 2👎
White dock Martins, not to be confused with regular black dock martins that are worn as a fashion statement. To earn a pair of white dock Martins you have a train ran on you by the majority of a sports team whether that be high school level or professional level. And kind of sport will do as well. If you get a train ran on you then as the sporting geature goes, the team pitches in and buys you a pair of white dock martins, some wear white docks because they want to but most wear them as a symbol of their hoe ass ways.
Literally anyone: yo man when did cindy get white docks?
Varsity football linemen: o ya bro me and the other noskillmen ran train about 15 cars long (15 cars=15 cocks)
The person asking: gees man I hope shes ok.
Football dude: probably not, most of us busted in her