Just one of the guys on the list of thousands that has slept with ur mom
Mom: Have you seen John?
You: John 2319 or John 3451
A man who simps way to hard for tick tock thots(charlie damelio) usually makes weird grunting sounds when lifting weights and is 8ft tall and has cool head phones and usually has a arch nemisis named ryan who really hates him he is bad at skate boarding and has really weird pickup lines and hits on his friends family members.
John:wow that girl is hot im going to use my pickup line on her
John:hey are you trash cause I wanna take you out
Girl:(kicks him in no no square and takes his lunch money)
John:proceeds to stalk her on her way home and all over social media
Another word for penis
That boy i fucked last noght had a tiny john
The hottest man alive. He is a big brain boy and love minecraft and terrraria. All the women love, including your mom, and he is amazing. He is super cool and is amazing.
I love that John
1👍 1👎
And 12 year old boy with a VERY LARGE FOREHEAD, he also likes to eat pub-subs, play video games 24/7, and watch anime and shows like “on my block”
John is a really great person. He will love you, care for you, and hold you through all the hard times. But you must remember to cherish the small things and the big things because sooner or later, he’ll leave. When he leave it will be the worst feeling In the world. John is the most perfect human being on the planet. He will love you and show you affection. You must show him it back. If your lucky enough to even meet him, please just don’t hurt him. He has been through a lot and doesn’t deserve to be hurt more. He won’t open up at first and that’s okay. You have to prove to him that he can trust you snd open up to you. He has the best smile in the world. And his hair. Oh his hair, it’s amazing. But his eyes...his eyes tell a story when you look deeply into them. If you look close enough you can see all the memories that you have created. And when he kisses you, his lips have a way of forming into this way of telling you that he will love you like no one else can. Without even saying a word. He is complicated and will make you want to give up. But don’t, if you give up then you won’t be able to hit the part of the relationship that means the most. The part when you fall so in love with him that you forget who you are when you are with him. The part where you never want to leave his side. So John, if your reading this...I love you. And now I’m saying goodbye...I doubt you will ever see this but, it’s worth a try right. Sincerely savannah M
Girl who likes John: he’s cute
Johns ex(me): I know.(remembers every little thing)
Girl who likes John: remember when you dated him.
Johns ex(me): every little thing...I remember every little thing, the highs the hurts the loves the wins, every little thing.