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Josh is my God

Josh is my God, no way same

by Josh is my God May 13, 2019

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Josh is a super funny person in the rarest way. It is sometimes hard to tell if he is being sarcastic or not and he calls his swinging hips 'agile hip movements.' He is a very intelligent, empathetic person and gets straight A's. He tends to date girls whose names begin with the letter t, for example Terina, or Tiana. You can always trust a Josh with your deepest secret and he will always give you insightful, helpful advice. However, you will sometimes find yourself coming across some Josh's who are extremely stupid and may ask moronic questions during lessons such as, "how do you spell class?" But this kind of Josh is a rarety so do not fear. Overall, you will be happy to have a fun, smart, caring, emotionally intelligent Josh as a friend.

Friend 1: Hey look, is that Josh?

Friend 2: Yes, looks like he's doing some agile hip movements!

by knowledgeable queen November 10, 2020

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an absolute asshole that has no respect for women at all. he will break you heart and annoy tf outta anyone around him. he is popular because of the comments he makes about girls. and is disrespectful and unloyal to the girl he is dating. fuck u. HE WILL CHEAT ON U‼️‼️

girl 1 β€œOMG i just started dating josh finally!!”

boy bsf β€œbreak up with him right now! he is going to play you.”

girl 2 β€œhave you heard what he even says about girls??”

girl 3 β€œyou have heard what he said about me?”

girl 1 β€œoh…”

guy bsf and girl 2 β€œyeah…it’s because he’s a josh.”

by u.gorgeous123 March 12, 2022

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So many people believe that josh isn't at all nice but truly Josh's are the kindest, sweetest, adorablest, smartest People to exist especially the one you could be friends with right now. I hope that if you meet a Josh then you realize how special even just a friendship is with them. Josh is also the best potato ever!!!!!

Friend 1: I'm so jealous that your friends with Josh, he's so nice!
Friend 2: Yeah he really is. Did you know he's also the most adorable potato ever!
Friend 1: WOW Really that is so COOL!!!

by Starzz_Gamez March 2, 2022

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the boy i will never date

you'r a Josh I can't date you

by teachy November 13, 2018

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A man who prentends to be a ladies man, but hides his secret..... homosexuality.

Josh is so far in the closet he lives in Narnia.

by Savanahhh.69 July 5, 2017

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A guy who doesn't know if he is ganster, country, or skater. Dumps girls via TEXT MESSAGE. Failure at life, can't commit. Leads on girls, then goes back to his EX GIRLFRIEND who is a total BOOOOOOOTYCALLLLL. Dumb pothead, who lies about everything. Likes a lot of whores, thinks he is toooo cool for colllege, and has friends that are cooler than him. More than likely will lead you on and then dump you for no good reason at all. After he dumps you, you will be MORE THAN RELIEVED though.

Girl 1: "He seems really cool"
Girl 2: "What's his name?"
Girl 1: "Josh"
Girl 2: "NO girl, he is a total player"
Girl 1: "Oh, dang"

by aklreinsat-a April 27, 2011

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