German mathematicians in the early 21st century came upon this numerical value that, when multiplied by any non-zero or imaginary number, will always yield an incorrect answer. However, if any such value is divided by the Günter Number, the answer is more likely to be correct, but only if previously multiplied by the Günter Number.
Is inversely proportional to the number of Trevors in one LMFAO music video.
Engineering Student: "Man, I knew I was way off that Truss analysis when I multiplied by the Günter Number."
Professor: "Unless analyzing the space-time continuum in a completely fictional world, there is no need to ever use the Günter Number in any academic situation in the near foreseeable future."
5👍 1👎
The number before my number one. My person. My dawg. My sidekick. My ride or die. My buddy. The one I tell everything to. A true friend.
Me: Man, I'm missing my buddy. He's my number zero.
When you ask a girl for her number and get a made up number or a number for a condom factory or African American Suicide Hotline
Guy 1: dude i just got this hot bitch's numbers.
Guy2: dude you got fake numbered that's the Trojan Condom Company's number
The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4-channer uploaded a photo anonymous photo to the site, showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce, with the statement, "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on - but that's even worse, so if you like foot lettuce in your burger, Number 15 is for you.
To readjust figures to suit ones Business
Alan: Listen Rose ive rejigged the numbers and im sorry but your FIRED.
Rose: What do mean
Alan: I was looking at the figures for the business and that fucking bullshit pet therapy idea would have royaly fucked the business, were already fucked enough as it is. so I rejigged the numbers and your gone
Rose: (crying)
Alan: Dont give me that shit, Get the Fuck out of my office and go see some nursing homes on your way home, and dont fucking come back!
A financial budget that is submitted whose financial objectives is impossible to achieve.
"Did Chris submit his budget?"
"Yes, he did. But I don't think he going to make any of the numbers."
"Oh, I see. Frothy numbers right?"