A person who once seeing a facebook status is all over it like a rash with comments and thumbs up.
OMG, she's commented on my boyfriends status for like the 17th time today, shes such a status rash!
The indigestion caused by throat friction and the ingestion of too much seamen.
Dave: I have a sore throat after last nights party.
Rick: Bob dropped an anchor in my throat We. have the Sailor’s Rash.
when you have a small dick and youve been jerking off to hard it starts to feel raw leading to chines rash
man idk how to tell my girlfriend i got a chines rash
Red patches that appear on ones chest after a vigorous wank. Occurs to excessive wankers.
Jack: “Lads, I was beating my meat last night, looked down, should’ve seen THE STATE of my wank rash!”
Ben: “I get that all the time, I love tugging myself!”
Term for that little bit of poop stuck at the bottom of the toilet bowl after you flush down a big one. Usually looks like a streak or a little blemish at the bottom. If you leave one on a friend's toilet you either leave and hope no one notices or feel really guilty about it and try to brush it up.
"Daddy, I pooped at Jodie's house and left a poop rash on the toilet"
That painful feeling that occurs on the legs due to wearing underwear. When the bottom of the underpants squeezes a section of the leg, an uncomfortable sensation develops and stays long after the underwear is adjusted and/or removed. Ice helps, but the process can be painful itself, and it takes time and patience.
The sole reason this author hates underwear
Damn it. I got an underwear rash. I'm fucked for the rest of the day.
The multiple cuts, grazes and sore skin you obtain from working on Japanese cars. Because of the tight and compact nature of Japanese cars, its hard to not get cut up when working on them.
I got some nasty Jap Rash last night from working on my Silvia.