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Go full retard

To party in such way that all future consequences are ignored.

First weekend before vacation, let's go full retard!

by Enno Heueman October 18, 2023

Full Woke

When one goes woke, and doesn't realise, but keeps trying to be more woke, and eventually loses all dignity and accepts they are now permanently woked....and cannot be saved. Once you go full woke....well.

"Never go full woke" - A dude disguised as a dude playing another dude.

by DasGRAMMARnazi November 25, 2021

full nah

when something hectic happens

Full nah wot?!

by nah wot September 8, 2017

Full Wally

When a man wears a woman’s thong backwards.

The wife is out of town on business...so this week I’m breaking out my stash and going Full Wally.

by Rj14 February 25, 2018

At full HD

1.- Somethings that is the most of something

2.- Doing your best

1.- You, that taco is at full HD

1.1.- Look at my brand new t-shirt it is at full HD

2.- I have to study for the exam; I'll be at full HD

2.1.- I won that match , I was at full HD

by hellsalad June 28, 2017

Full Hashim

The act of naming a past event/game so that it contains your own name, in order to claim that you were the creator of said event/game. This may include, for example, a playground game or a make-shift skatepark.

“I made a skatepark near my house and I called it Hashim’s Skatepark but then my other people found it when I was away and named it Wazza Skatepark and no one believed me that I made it”
“I don’t know mate, that sounds a bit like a Full Hashim”

by SgtFatCock April 18, 2020

full captain

When you drop all inhibition and just do you. The act of not giving a fuck, and doing something awesome.

Man, when you sang to that chick in the bar, you went FULL CAPTAIN!

by zeeeeeeecaptain November 5, 2015