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Social Tax

The tax you pay by spending time and energy reading stupid comments.

Why should I have to pay social tax to support your ignorant comment?

by Knightingale Mason January 9, 2020

Confused Social User

One who follows facebook on twitter, has a facebook that says, "check my myspace", etc.

Girl 1: Did you see my facebook?
Girl 2: Oh yeah I totally followed it to your twitter.
Guy: What did the twitter say?
Girl 1: Check out my myspace!
Guy: You are one confused social user

by The guy who fu-[censor] June 10, 2011

Social media house

The social media house is a household with social media stars

Hey, isn't that the guy from the social media house

by English goose September 11, 2020

Social Tristencing

Similar to social distancing except you don't do it.

All the boys got Coronavirus man, it's been heavy!

But what about social distancing and stage 4 lockdowns?
Nah man I said I was Social Tristencing

by Jack Chat March 31, 2020

Social Suicide

Making yourself really awkward to be around without realizing it. Doing things that you think other people think is cool but they aren't. This is committing Social Suicide.

"Did you see mark showed off a fidget spinner? He literally just committed social suicide."

by bigmanbross October 19, 2020

Boke Social

A party with an inordinate amount of unattractive people which takes place in Glasgow.

How was the party tonight? It was such a Boke Social!

by MelTri October 24, 2011

Socially Hacking

Social hacking is a form of networking used online to gain otherwise unattainable information. Some may refer to it as manipulation, but it's just a research tool.

I am socially hacking into a group of friends to be invited to a discord server with leaked government official documents.

by Straighttiktokisgay February 7, 2024