To treat a woman like a whore sexually. Specifically to get her to do things you wouldn't want your wife of GF to do.
Hey man can I get with Krissy tonight ?
Sure, after I ho her out she's all yours.
When you chew off her pubes during sex
I discovered my fetish when I mowed her lawn
The gross over-modification of the face through either piercings, plastic surgery, tattooing, or some combination that completely changes the appearance.
She used to be such a beautiful model until she junked up her face with fake lips, plastic skin, and enough piercings to make a biker blush.
Having Sex with someone
Yo did you carve your name into her walls last night?
Her tits
Person 1:look at that girl
Person 2:look at her little girls
The act of compressing shit in your significant others ass. Like using the ramrod of a musket to compress black powder, but with your dick. And someones ass.
Guy 1: hey man, you busy?
Guy 2: yea man, im Ramrodding her poop chute tonight, wish me luck!
Guy 1: dont get shit dick
she's too delicious to contain.
In vast quantities she might be bad for you but, damn, spread her like butter!