Source Code

not hot chili sauce


Definition 1.)
Somebody who has an always angry, or spicy, attitude towards other people when they get mad, but cools off rather quickly and plead for forgiveness.

Definition 2.) Cold hot sauce

For definition one
Person 1: He kept yelling at me for about 15 minutes, then he cooled down and started saying that hes sorry.
Person 2: Looks like he's not hot chili sauce.
Person 1: You can say that again.
For definition two
Person 1: I can't believe that Rooster Sauce was so fucking cold!
Person 2: I guess it's not hot chili sauce.

by Treecko666 November 11, 2015

Sauce yo nan

To put sauce on someone’s grandma’s booty and rub it like you’re oiling her.

-Mate have you seen the new Fortnite skin? It’s so rubbish.
-Talk shit about Fortnite and I’ll Sauce yo nan

by Yo boi McFloozo May 2, 2018

krab leg sauce

Need my dikk sukked

I need some krab leg sauce= i need my dikk sukked

by @k.h.s_kaidyn August 10, 2021

Trailer Park Sauce

A mix of Mayonnaise, Mustard, and Ketchup blended by color to the shade of Thousand Island Dressing. Usually eaten with potato chips, baked beans, french fries, hot dogs, or hamburgers.

Made by every white male who has ever been on public assistance, lived in a trailer, enjoyed NASCAR, smoked weed, banged a cousin, worn a mullet, drank Budweiser, or can identify in any other way with Joe Dirt. That's damn near all of us.

"Hey man, mix up some trailer park sauce and get the chips, Sprint Cup is on."

by Brilliantjackass April 10, 2011

Todd Todd Sauce

Any sauce which is used as a condiment.

Hey, can you pass me that Todd Todd sauce so I can use it on my roast beef.

by Albanwr September 30, 2021

Banging Through The Sauce

Having to perform a task while very hungover. Most commonly used to mean having to perform your job at work while suffering from a bad hangover.

“Give Jimmy a break. He may not be performing to his usual standard, but he’s banging through the sauce today.”

by CronDaddy May 25, 2020

Ro mayo sauce

It's a nickname for a black kids cum. It is so much better than chick fil a sauce.

Would u like some ro mayo sauce?

by Ro mayo sauce October 31, 2019