Jacob is the kind of guy to piss about on a discord server and go on raging power trips, he prefers to associate himself with 'conservatives' when in reality he dabbles in gay gimp clubs; his 'speeches' are on how much he loves to curl his dick into a ball and tickle the little baby hairs on his nuts.
Jacob in all loves to kiss babies, he has admitted to this multiple times, he's also a closeted anarchist and fascist depending on which day it is and what he's feeling (when he's not feeling other men's bollocks)
The name and word 'Jacob 'NonOyaoFakinBuissness' is all in all an aweful name.
'Did you hear about Jacob?' 'Yeah the obese gimp who enjoys primary schools right?'
'Jacob NonOyaoFakinBuissness' was at it again wasn't he?' 'Yup saw him at the club recently, he was outside trying to spank himself'
Jacob 'NonOyaoFakinBuissness' 'Oh thats a shit name'
The coolest dude that has the gayest cousin. Jacob is not only a guy that has no friends he's is a guy with no friends and no father because of a bad milk situation. Jacob has the sweetest blonde hair and blue eyes Jacob is deeply in love with a girl named ludia. And he also loves knive
yaghoob barghi (in Persian) is a famous Vending machine located in Amirkabir university.
Since 2003 it has been the most popular object in the university.
Electronic Jacob has become the symbol of the university.
I can't wait to go to university and see Electronic Jacob again!
Jeffy and Mattyb lover. Also loves mahtomedi girls and motts
Jacob weibel has three mahtomedi girls as his top three best friends
A furry that typically will rag all over your cram. Or he will insult your race. (Very small penis, and very short, talkin like 5'1.)
Damn bro, Jacob Trewer just shit in my pants.