Max is a short annoying young man who enjoys sucking penis. he is so annoying he makes all the girls dry as the shara desert. max is stupid and bad at math
Eleven best friend and Lucas Sinclair Girlfriend in Stranger Things
Max is a very horny guy with a cock that is 2 inches when hard thinks he gets all the ladies but reallly doesn’t has the worst taste in girls and might aswell be a ponce
Max is a ponce
A name that shows courage and bravery but if a max loves you then they won't stop because a max is loyal to the end. Max is a goofball and can make you giggle when you need a laugh
Girl : oh hey who's that guy he seems brave
Max's girlfriend: wait till you get to know him xx
A boys name. Who cant be gorgeous.
"Whoa u see him benji!?"
"Yea john! Hes so cool! Who is he??"
"Thats max!"