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A person who is pluged in like a reffrigator and is always on and loves the thought of money got a great heart and shows love to everybody and fucks with everybody tough

monster called and said he needs his $

by SloanBone February 14, 2021


1#: a monster, the real one, usually the disgusting or scary figure that lie under your bed
2#: often, a ruthless, evil person, individual with superior intellegent, poweress or inhuman manipulation that kill people without hesitation, remorse or can easily charm others and get them into doing bad deeds for them
3#: name of a drink made by Hansen Natural

omg johan lieburt is literally a monster , he set other in motion and watch them killing each other, such best villian lmao

by coolpseudonymhaha December 10, 2020


Heart attack juice that people collect for some reason

Hey do you like monster

by Ezekiel(Taylor'sVersion) November 29, 2021


A very kind hearted and forgiving Person and not ulgy at all very cute

He is a monster

by Blink496 April 7, 2021


A creature that is terrifying or The Rock in the movie Doom.

There is a monster that is lying underneath my bed and after I was injected by my sister to make me superhuman I fought the monster that is The Rock in the movie Doom.

by Jacobistan February 27, 2019


- what Karl Jacobs shoved up his ass in that one fanfic

Sapnap watched in disbelief as Karl shoved a monster can up his bussy all because he jokingly told him to.

by for bug May 29, 2021


Someone who pours their milk in the bowl before their cereal.

"Why would you do that?! You're a monster!"

by Ciel1820 April 30, 2019