Source Code

Flying squirrel shot

A guy pulls his scrotum out to create a well to which liquor is poured into and a lucky person is chosen to empty the well and clean the "shot" glass

Adam has a perfectly crafted scrotum for delivering a huge flying squirrel shot

by Markyed November 14, 2019

2👍 1👎

Flying Dove

When you interlock your thumbs so that your palms are facing near you. Then insert your thumbs into someone’s ass and start flapping your hands like a bird.

For their anniversary, Jon was gonna receive a Flying Dove from his wife.

by Gambet July 29, 2024

Pee The Pee The Flying Pee

Pee, he fly around so fasttt
Pee, he save the world from mites
Pee, he so quick he fly pasttt
Pee, he scared of many heights
Pee, he will always belong
Pee, he say this the end of the songggg

Pee The Pee The Flying Pee (proper noun)
Pee The Pee The Flying Pee is an incredibly wise flying Minecraft pig.

All mighty Pee The Pee grace us with your presence!!

by AngelSimps October 12, 2021

Fly South West

Code for smoking weed. The acronym SW remains ambiguous by using two codes-"South West" or "Smoke Weed".

Hey, I just picked up. Wanna take a trip and Fly South West?

by TSR? August 11, 2024

flying brain

This is a favorite trip toy of mine. One would take a single piece of newspaper, forming a ball with air in it and twist the bottom. Then, one light the twisted up part of the bottom and the ball will fill with hot air and rise. As it continues to burn, the ball, now the brain catches fire while floating high abovet and it looks like blood vessels in a brain pulsing with light. Pretty damn trippy!

When playing with with a flying brain, you should probably have some water close by dude......whoa man thats trippy!

by FloydianTrip July 4, 2010

flying giraffe

A term used to describe a tall girl with a long neck jumping off a diving board

Hey John you see that flying giraffe

Yah Tom that Girl had one long ass neck

by BIGFROOT June 10, 2023

The flying loveseat

A Halo 3 move requiring three people in which two people simultaniously target a single player, killing him just as he is going thru the man cannon. The two players then enter directly after the dead body and position themselves one on each end and begin teabagging the corpse in midair making the whole affair loosely resemble two dudes bouncing on a flying loveseat.

Lets give him The flying loveseat.

by Autistic screeching January 6, 2018