ah ah ahhhh
snake snake snaaaake
a snake; a person who snitches on another, most likely a peer; someone who talks behind their back.
James Charles is a sexual predator, as well as a snake by thinking he has an advantage in life because "he's a celebrity".
A snake is like a worm but longer larger and probably smarter and some people are confused about how they uhhh how should I say this release their waste
Someone who is a 5”11 and has a huge ego and forehead.
That fatneek KSI is a huge snake.
Used as a noun, it means a backstabber, traitor, or just simply a conniving, two-faced, grimy ass bitch.
Used as a verb: To betray.
1. (Noun) She's that type of snake who will talk sweet to your face and beef with your man one day, then come slick out her mouth about you and fuck him the next.
2. (Verb) That's because she's the type of trick who will snake you.
someone who acts all nice and is ur friend but turns out to be a backstabbing bitch
omg riya is such a snake!
dp’s sister needs to stop being a snake
riya malhotra is a snake who is obsessed with dylan ferrer