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A fully grown adult who has completed grade school, but still believes the Earth is flat.

Do you really believe the the Earth is flat?
Yes, I guess you could call me a retard.

by Jashill August 17, 2018


Synonym for liberals

That guy is voting for Obama simply because of his skin color what a retard. Johnny thinks voting for more taxes will fix the unemployment problem what a retard! That woman believes she should be president, what a retard!

by american35 August 20, 2017


someone who suffers from a mental disability such as autism,ADHD,BPD,anxiety,PPD,MDD or any of that nature

"They're retarded,as they suffer from austim."

by WhimiscalGoose September 19, 2021


Someone who licks windows for a living because it makes them enjoy life. They are also delayed.

Lacey licks windows which means she is a retard

by Lickmispelotas July 14, 2019


Sonny manns in grade 9

Ur such like sonny u bich retard

by Ur moms pleasure June 1, 2019


You, for looking this shit up

person one: what the fuck is a Retard
person two: you are one for asking; Retard

by handicapedman December 15, 2019


Someone who believes in liberal policies, politics, and ideologies, and votes for liberal politicians.

Yeah, Jane voted for Biden, she's a complete fucking retard.

by Truthinwriting May 24, 2024