To farm chickens in a skilled manner, illegal in Alaska and Nigeria. Only gamers are aloud to chicken farm
Wow! Did you just Chicken farm in Alaska? Chicken farming is illegal there
The act of hiding an erection by pointing the head of the penis towards the head of the person and securing with the waistband of whatever you're wearing. In this way the head of the penis may appear to be peeking out.
Mrs Johnson called on me in class to standup and explain the answer, so I had to use the old peeking chicken to hide my erection.
chicken bom bom is a lyric used in the coochie gurls rap,Referring to a member of the LGBTQ+ community who has good pussy lips(Anti blue waffle) this also is a phrase for when u wanna smack a hoe
When you meet another car going the wrong way on a one-way street - you must play a game of tug-a-chicken to gain dominance. The car that wins this extremely slow speed game of chicken determines the flow of traffic. The loser has to flip the traffic sign to show the new flow of traffic.
Oh snap, you just turned the wrong way down 2nd...buckle up, we're gonna have to play tug-a-chicken.
Jon, quit chicken choking! You're not having sex, just f*cking stop!
Chicken Bombay is a dish typically served at your grandmother's when you live in the south. It features a savory-sweet chili sauce mixed with duck diarrhea. In order to ensure the Chicken Bombay recipe is 100% authentic, the duck's diarrhea must from a Bombanian duck.
is 4lb of chicken
20 oz of sweet chili sauce
12 oz of Bombanian duck diarrhea
Betty: This chicken is delicious, is this your recipe?
Tiffany: Its called Chicken Bombay, It's chicken covered in sweet chili mixed with duck diarrhea.
Betty: Drops fork What the F&#$?
An Egg McMustache (a term built around the Egg McMuffin) is a fun thing to order at McDonald's to go with a two-piece Chicken McNutsack which is a term built around the famous Chicken McNuggets.
"These people didn't hear my order correctly. I ordered a two-piece Chicken McNutsack and they gave me Chicken McNuggets instead. They told me that chickens don't even have nutsacks. Well, they don't have any nuggets to carry in them either! I want a refund!"