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long shorts

a cool form of pants

bro nice long shorts

by lost-kin February 6, 2023

long-term flirting

Flirting with someone over a very very long period of time.

Deleting someone on Facebook for months and then finally unblocking them. Becoming friends. Followed by sex.

Long-term flirting YAYA

by JohnoTheKb March 3, 2012

The long ones

The long ones are the ones that are longer than the short ones.

"Those are the long ones, and those are the short ones."

by Spidermin February 5, 2017

Long Boy

An extremely long boy

Ian likes long boys

by NickerBoy January 10, 2019

Long Boy

An at least 14 inch turd.

Perry: Man dude, were you in the bathroom yet today?
Jake: No, why?
Perry: Someone dropped a long boy in the toilet, it is probably the largest piece of crap I have ever seen!

by Froggo boi January 22, 2022

Long Boy

An orange cylinder and ironic meme. First used in an anonymous Facebook post by Special Meme Fresh

"HAHA Long boy"

by Storm_15 March 29, 2018