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Yes I am a meme god. Memes are usually statements or pictures with a caption that to people these days are funny! You know TikTock? Yeah, that's a meme. Forever Alone?(look it up it's an old meme) that's a meme. Memes these days are food to humans tbh. There is always that one kid in your class who knows every meme.

"Did you know Dat Boi is a Meme?"

"Wow, my mom saw my new Meme....she hates me know..."

by I swear to brendon urie October 16, 2019


aka the me me

a meme is not pronounced me me

by my pseudonym WHATAREYOUONABOUT January 11, 2019


why tf r u looking up m e m e s- bitch- go to youtube. tf??

You: whats are memes
Me: -slaps the shIT outta you-

by _Apersonthathasalife._ November 28, 2020


A funny picture, depicting things like a person making a weird face, a cool animal, or a Photoshop failure. On or on top of the picture is funny text, sometimes starting with things like "that moment when..." etc.
A meme usually starts with simply a picture then a caption, and is remixed by the public, creating new captions.
Memes may also send a political or social message through them.
A dead meme is a meme that has grown old and is no longer funny.

Meme reads "Can't get fired, if you don't have a job."
Tom: Wow man, look at this meme!
Joe: Oh man I love that! LMAO!

by CoolMeme May 2, 2018


1. A joke visually presented to a person
2. a joke Tyler Scheid does not find funny

"Oh look at this funny joke!" - Ethan
" It's not funny.." -Tyler
"OH! so it's a meme!" - Mark who just got done dropping some turd bombs

by somerandomshithead April 16, 2018


funny joke

or .....................................................................................................................

i like meme

by memes memes memes memes memes July 17, 2019


A video of something funny or something that doesnt make sense that i dont really know why im laughing at

Friend: Look at this meme lmfaoo!!

Me: gosh darn it, ive already seen that one

by Dickeater515 April 22, 2020