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Fortnite season 5

When you have to wait 8 hours to play a game!!!!!

7:15:20 "why is fortnite season 5 taking to long to work.?"

by Jessica_ma_G December 1, 2020

fortnite rule 34

fortnite rule fortnite rule 34

"fortnite rule 34" fortnite rul 34

by fortniterule213894 March 27, 2024

annoying Fortnite player

my friend Tyler "complains every 5 seconds whenever i shoot at him or reload or use my dam gun"

Tyler is an annoying Fortnite player

by guydudmanbun November 11, 2022

Fortnite King

This is a person who everyone else must obey and listen to at all times, if someone is known as the “Fortnite-King” then they own you and your whole existence. On top of that they are probably extremely handsome, people who are named “Fortnite-King” are usually named Antonio.

Random Nom-Gymcel- What’s up Fortnite King!

Fortnite King:Do I know you? Give me 10 push-ups now!

(Fortnite King’s friend) Gymcel: Hey, how are you doing Fortnite king?
Fortnite king; Nothing much what about your cute ass?

by AntonioamaAzul November 21, 2023

Fortnite vocabulary

Words fortnite kids use that confuse the avarage person

Fortnite kid: yeah i can do a triple ramp rush.
Person a: what sorry dont understand that fortnite vocabulary

by Vyaashater69 January 6, 2021

Bad At Fortnite Syndrome

An extensively bad disease which only attacks Fortnite players. When individuals receives this disease they find winning a single Fortnite match to be an immense challenge. In some cases the individual with this disease will loose all hand-eye coordination and seem to miss every single shot.

bro... i think you have Bad At Fortnite Syndrome...

by ummguyss December 17, 2023

fortnite girlfriend

everything a 10 year old who plays fortnite can ever dream for

Mom! Look! I got a Fortnite girlfriend!

by dabreadbun February 1, 2024