When you have to wait 8 hours to play a game!!!!!
7:15:20 "why is fortnite season 5 taking to long to work.?"
fortnite rule fortnite rule 34
"fortnite rule 34" fortnite rul 34
my friend Tyler "complains every 5 seconds whenever i shoot at him or reload or use my dam gun"
Tyler is an annoying Fortnite player
This is a person who everyone else must obey and listen to at all times, if someone is known as the “Fortnite-King” then they own you and your whole existence. On top of that they are probably extremely handsome, people who are named “Fortnite-King” are usually named Antonio.
Random Nom-Gymcel- What’s up Fortnite King!
Fortnite King:Do I know you? Give me 10 push-ups now!
(Fortnite King’s friend) Gymcel: Hey, how are you doing Fortnite king?
Fortnite king; Nothing much what about your cute ass?
Words fortnite kids use that confuse the avarage person
Fortnite kid: yeah i can do a triple ramp rush.
Person a: what sorry dont understand that fortnite vocabulary
An extensively bad disease which only attacks Fortnite players. When individuals receives this disease they find winning a single Fortnite match to be an immense challenge. In some cases the individual with this disease will loose all hand-eye coordination and seem to miss every single shot.
bro... i think you have Bad At Fortnite Syndrome...
everything a 10 year old who plays fortnite can ever dream for
Mom! Look! I got a Fortnite girlfriend!