a made up operation by Youtuber al jokes. he explains it as an operatio we men have had in the making for a minimum of 4 years. he explains that we one day will enter the sewers to our secret underground city with a stable stream of resources
guy 1: you did you hear about operation ninja turtles will be carried out soon?!
guy 2: yo, if you talk so loud, someone will hear you!!
if you do not know, this is for men only, this operation is directed by men, for men. if you do not know my fellow brethren, operation ninja turtle goes like this: we men for the past few years have been building an underground city, through the sewers, by chance if women disappear off the planet for 24 hours, we will take to the sewers and go to our secret sewer castle, that is all i have as of right now for info, i am not working on it, i am here to spread the news
yo, bro do you know about operation ninja turtles?
yeah, but stfu for now, we'll get in trouble for talking about it in public, and if a girl hears us, we're dead.
Prior to the moment of ejaculation, switch orifices to the surprise of the recipient.
Person A: Jessica was shocked to have a mouth full of cum after doing it doggy style.
Person B: Yah, she got ninja flipped.
Untapped involuntary asskickery potential which can only be accessed after walking through a spider web. Usually accompanied by a girly scream and kung fu hands.
Highly amusing to watch from a distance.
P1: "Maaaan, what was that shit ?"
P2: "Ergh. Spider web."
P1: "Oh. Hahahaha... Instant Ninja"
TO READ an important convo on im about u or sumone/thing u kno and poppin outta nowhere and replyin to the comment!
DAMN! did u hear about tht boy teryn?
YEA hes way ugly!
I HEARD U BITCH amd u clit smells like fried piss on a dead hooker!
The art of mysteriously and secretively tweeting multiple times whilst being fully engaged in a two-way conversation.
Bob: Bro, we've literally been talking this entire time and you don't even have your phone near you. How did you manage to tweet 15 times in the last 3 minutes?!
Mox: Two words my friend: Ninja-Tweeting.
a HotBox Ninja is someone who has to sneak in the bathroom and smoke weed because they are an in the closet pothead.
Ducky: Why were you up so late?
Nova: I was being a HotBox Ninja in the bathroom last night.