A strange individual who shares characteristic with an animal that comes from an egg.
The egg baby shared characteristics with a penguin
Popularised by British furries, the phrase scrembled eggs refers to situations of fear, excitement, worry, or concern, among other things. The phrase is though to have been derived from the word 'scream', as it is generally used in scenarios where screaming would be an adequate reaction.
PERSON 1 : “You are evil and we all hate you now.”
PERSON 2 : “Scrembled eggs.”
to have sex with another person
Jill and Ben so busted an egg last night.
The reason Christmas is enjoyed (other than presents). The original recipe was Norfolk origin from the strong ale called nog.
When a man puts cinnamon in his pee hole and cums in a girls mouth, it creates egg nog
That fart that lingers around and almost kills you.
Oh, that egg wind is disgusting.
The act of having a butt plug inserted while going about your day as if everything was normal.
Dude, I think that chick is rockin a kuester egg. Look at the way she is walking.