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October 21 National make out with your ex day

October 21 National Make it with your ex day it is your chance to kiss hir or him

October 21 National make out with your ex day

by Tacotuesdayman October 18, 2019

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good bean juice taste like chocolate make me go fast

good bean juice that taste like chocolate, aka coffee.

Bob: Man I could really go for some good bean juice taste like chocolate make me go fast.
Bob #2: What the fuck is good bean juice taste like chocolate make me go fast?
Bob: Coffee

by skidsstars October 10, 2018

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Well why don't you make like a tree then, and get the fuck out!

An idiom used to tell someone to get the fuck out.
Popularized by Doc, the old bar owner in The Boondock Saints, during the scene leading up to the bar fight with the Russian Mafia. Doc, who suffers from tourettes, commonly stutters and, therefore, mixes sayings (such as "People in glass houses sink ships"). Doc, who wants the Russian Mafia to gtfo, tells asks: "Well why don't you make like a tree then, and get the fuck out!"

NOTE: In order to sound authentic the quote must me said in an Irish accent

Nic:"You're such a douchebag."
Dan: "Well why don't you make like a tree then, and get the fuck out!"

by dancesinblood1 October 17, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

can god make a taco so hot not even he can eat it?

A question with no answer, if god can do everything then if he can make the taco that means he cannot eat the spiciest food, if he cannot make the taco that means that god cannot make a taco too spicy for him. lose lose situation.

I went to the church and told the priest, if god can do ANYTHING, can god make a taco so hot not even he can eat it? everyone stood there speechless with no answer, including the priest

by redwings... January 18, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

National make sweet hot love to the other person in the hole day

The holiday that falls on March 3rd is: National Make Sweet Hot Love To The Other Person In The Hole Day

โ€œYouโ€™re looking forward to March 3rd. Which is Fuckbergโ€™s National make sweet hot love to the other person in the hole day.โ€

by BitchyDevon June 27, 2022

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National Make fun of your friend for not knowing about Taco Bell Day

A day to make fun of those uneducated buffoons who dont know what Taco Bell is.

Date: February 16th

โ€œNational Make fun of your friend for not knowing about Taco Bell Dayโ€
โ€œhey dude.. You ever heard of Taco Bell?โ€
โ€œWtf is a Taco Bell Iโ€™m not in the USA idiotโ€
โ€œIts February 16th, You know what that means,โ€

by Ooga Booga goth boy January 3, 2021

national make a tik tok w ur crush day

This is the day october 29 when you can make some sort of interaction lmao with your crush

*don't be weird ab it tho*
girl- "bro (i like u- DONT SAY THAT) we should make a tik tok since its national make a tik tok w ur crush day

by quack quack bitch October 28, 2019

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