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Net Bruh Moment

The sum of all bruh moments in a given situation.

Yesterday when I was taking a dump in my aunts toilet while my girlfriend was watching, that was a huge net bruh moment

by Supakicka March 28, 2019

Certified Bruh Moment

The worst bruh moment in ever existence. once used you can never live down the dumb shit you just did.

person 1 Bro! i swear i didn't just drop all of the groceries and ruined them

Chad By the power of the bruh gods you are officially awarded the Certified Bruh Moment for your dumbassery

by KappaClown September 19, 2019

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Dan Quayle Moment

The Act of an obsession over an fictional character's moral values from a show, movie, book, or online video.

Paul Ryan had his Dan Quayle Moment when he complained about "House of Cards" character Frank Underwood whom he dislikes for having a affair with a staff reported while serving in the House Of Representatives.

by Libertatis August 19, 2014

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Vedant Moment

A retarded piece of shit that wants to bully anyone they want, they are also a big loser that thinks their top shit and hates his friends and will hurt them at any cost

Venant: Hey piss off
Friend: I didn't do anything
Vedant: I know but i suddenly hate you
Friend: what a loser (Vedant Moment)

by manperson436 October 11, 2021

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Qwynn Moment

When you have a stupid moment, usually when this occurs, your IQ lowers to that of a mentally challenged 4 year old. It only happens to people named Qwynn, and it is a serious problem. This is not to be confused with " Blonde Moments " because that only lowers your IQ by 1/4, Qwynn moments lower your IQ by 3.9/4 and it is super effective.

Teacher: Qwynn, what is 2+2?
Qwynn: LOLCRAYNONZ!!!!!331231231555

by umadqwynnith October 2, 2011

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Phil Collins Moment

It's like that part from "In the Air Tonight", where the moment you hear the drum solo halfway through the song, you instantaneously start air drumming along. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you're doing when you hear it either. Whether it is in your car while you’re stuck in traffic, or in line at the grocery store, you're drumming along like you're kicking an invisible mugger's ass.

Wilcox: "So what happened?"

Arnett: "We were in a crowded bar, and I had a Phil Collins Moment, and when I stopped and looked around, the rest of the bar was doing it too, so I kept doing it"

Bruce: "What's a Phil Collins....Moment?"

Clark: "You know, its that one drum part from that one Phil Collins song that everyone drums to?"

Bruce: "Oh gotcha"

Clark: "I had a Phil Collins Moment the other day in the car. I accidentally hit my mom in the face. That song Simple by Collective Soul came on. You know that part at 32 seconds? I couldnt stop myself"

by 3D@y$ March 15, 2010

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Brady Bunch Moment

A Brady Bunch Moment is when you have children and you propose marriage to a woman you just met that has children.

They have 7 kids because both of them had kids from before and he married her in a Brady Bunch Moment

by Liberation Theology August 11, 2019

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