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A term originating from the queer ballroom scene in reference to a house mother, who would provide support for their "children" and often hold legendary status. The term has now been misappropriated and is used to refer to any female celebrity who serves a crumb of cunt.

Please welcome the iconic mother of the house of Renaissance: BEYONCE

by cuntwaffle212 August 18, 2023


Your mother is a woman who loves you very much.Your mother is a woman who will do anything to make you smile.Your mother is a woman who is brave,smart,and beautiful.Your mother is a strong woman who loves you more than anyone.Your mother loved you before anyone else could.Your mother went thru a lot but she still try’s her best to put a smile on your face.Your mother loves you more than you soulmate.Always go to your mother. When your scared the first thing you want to do is be in your mothers warm comforting arms. You want to be a child again so you could give your mother one last tight hug.

Have you seen mother? I want to give her a hug I miss her.

by Alisa__o June 29, 2022


The person that wants you to pause an online game, normally asking you to do something you can do in two minutes. You lose your game.

Mother: 'Pause that game, take out the trash'

by Magnumtude May 29, 2021


A more formal way you usually call your birthgiver or female caretaker.

Mother is also the name of a roblox game, based on an anime named TPN (The Promised neverland).

A: Hello, mother.
B: Greetings.

by Rotten Deer May 26, 2021


Used on Twitter to describe people who are serving cunt.

"Nicole Kidmans is mother."

by Kittyhees August 25, 2022


Deciders of whether or not life has any value.

Hym "Being mothers and supporting abortion is like being a rape victim and supporting rape. Interestingly enough, there is no internal contradiction for a murderer supporting murder or a liar supporting lying. What else does this apply to... Hmm... Being a therapist and supporting the falsification/creation of mental illness? There's a contradiction there but it's weak... I might be on to something here... An adulterer supporting adultery? No contradiction... Being a police officer and supporting crime.... Contradiction.... A theif supporting theft... No contradiction... A molestation victim supporting pedophilia... Contradiction... Seems like the cardinal sins create no internal contradiction. Looks like that is the difference between a sin and any other ethic. Sin creates no internal contradiction between the act and supporting of the act... A false idol supporting the support of worshiping false idols.... Well... You could argue that a false idol might not want you worshipping other idols... They might want all the worshipers to themselves... Hmm... Maybe I'm a little off... Someone who doesn't keep the Sabbath holy supporting the not keeping of the Sabbath holy? No contradiction... A worshiper of God supporting the worship of other Gods? Maybe... Because from the outside your worshiping the OTHER God... So no contradiction? I don't know..."

by Hym Iam June 1, 2022


Taylor Alison Swift that’s is just her <3

Omg look mother is going on back on tour!

by Miss Alison swift May 16, 2024