An orange, racist man that the racist and stupid half of America decided to vote to elect as President of the United States.
Canadians: "Who the fuck elects an orange President, eh?"
Americans: "Half of our dumbass country."
Canadians: "Come over to Canada. You can have free maple syrup and go dog sledding without Donald J. Trump here."
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Feminist SJW who makes cancerous youtube videos spreading bullshit ideas like "biological sex is a social construct" and "trans women are not biologically male", also claims that sexual preferences are a form of bigotry. This person thinks long hair and bad cat eyeliner makes him a woman, but that HUGE adams apple says otherwise. Claims to be a lesbian, but has heterosexual sex. King of all snowflakes.
*Watches Riley J. Dennis video*
-Dies of brain cancer-
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The embodiment of everything that has gone wrong with America, concentrated into one individual through black magic and blood sacrifice, with the hopes that this ritual would cleanse the United States.
A similar ritual was successfully preformed in Canada, using Justin Bieber as the vessel for their collective sin.
At the time of writing of this definition, it is still yet to be seen if this will be an effective solution for the United States.
The American people view Donald J. Trump in much the same way that Canadians regard Justin Bieber.
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A bad-tempered person, always spitting while talking, kills anyone who gets close to him except for his wife and kids. Hot in the head.
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that guy who got a small loan of a million dollars
Guy 2: no
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