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yeets and fidgets

When you sue the yeets and fidget with your spinner

Yeets and fidgets, I’m gonna sue!

by TieDyeLlama March 30, 2019


pusheen likes to squish the dough go pusheen!


by Zoey Leggott December 13, 2018

Yeet effect

When a situation is fixed

Joe: I got my phone working again

Mamma: bruh that's the yeet effect

by My name is yeet December 18, 2019

yeet effect

When a situation gets better than before or fixed

Joe: yo my phone is finally working. Time to make memes
Mamma: bro that's the yeet effect

by My name is yeet December 18, 2019

Yeet Day

Yeet day takes place on December 1st, prior to yeet month which is January. Make sure to send all of your friends the yeet prayer and yeet ghost!

Omg did you hear it’s Yeet Day?

by Bruh >:) December 1, 2020

Charging up the yeet/yeet release

Charging Up The Yeet - attempting killstreak in any online multiplayer game

Yeet Release - succeeding at said killstreak and looking like a fucking savage

Also Credited: Fuckin Shmirs

About to get super in Destiny 2:

Uses super in Destiny 2:
Charging up the yeet/yeet release

by Words202 October 12, 2017

Yeet king

Crazy pewdiepie follower who is very strong and is advised not to mess with

Hey John who would win in fight dlamien or the yeet king

by Yeet yeet king May 22, 2021