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A fuckwit who doesn’t understand how to chill.

“Stop being an anti-chilla, i’m just tryna chill
- Zac

by Sommer Ray 6699 September 22, 2021

The Anti Acronym Hypocrites

A group of hypocrites known to hate acronyms, yet, they call them selves TAAH.

The Anti Acronym Hypocrites are... well... hypocrites. I bet they all have CFD (See definition of Communism Fondness Disorder (CFD)

by Rybrotic November 15, 2016


The worst Instagram account, a full of shit menu for your everyday life.

Monkey or squirrel?

I just wanna die and BELIEVE IN THE ANTI

by Antibin4ural November 23, 2021


The worst Instagram account, a full of shit menu for your everyday life.

Monkey or squirrel?

I just wanna die and BELIEVE IN THE ANTI

by Antibin4ural November 23, 2021


A name Lady Tottington used to call Wallace in the film series 'Wallace in Gromit' and the whole internet has no idea what it means.

Lady Tottington: Victor, stop fooling around in the dirt and have a look at this. The ingenious Anti-Pesto have completely dealt with my rabbit problem! Isn’t it marvelous?

by reinfaster March 16, 2023


(referencing Antoine de Lavoisier the 18th century French chemist and his famous phrase "rien ne se perd, rien ne se cree; tout se transforme):

adj- similar to a neo-Luddite, but instead defines people who don't understand 1) that if the government can't pay your welfare check, the money still has to come from somewhere and 2) how poverty is related to Malthus's theory of food production

all those people who protested Trump and those women who marched on Washington, either they don't know what they are doing, or they are simply, in my mind at least, anti-Lavoisier

by Sexydimma January 27, 2017

the anti-sanna

sir archibald V

the anti-sanna is supreme.

by sanna is supreme November 24, 2021