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chicken nugget god


Somebody: sir are you praising to the chicken nugget God?
Somebody else: of course
Somebody: good *leaves*

by thvbac..? Wait wha- January 4, 2023

Bitch Nugget

A person who likes to complain about little stuff, essentially turning an easily solvable issue into a big problem. Blowing things way out of proportion.

Karen orders a sandwich and requests two slices of tomato. Her sandwich only has one slice when she recieved her order. Karen demands to speak to the manager.
K: My order is wrong.
M: Understood ma'am, but what seems to be the issue and can I see the reciept?
K: I asked for two slices of tomato. I only got one. Either I get a new sandwich or I want my refund.

M: Ma'am we can add the other tomato to your order free of charge.
K: I wanted my order correct the first time, no I want a new sandwich and my refund.
M: Sorry ma'am but that hardly warrants a refund.
K: I'm emailing corporate and I'm writing you a horrible review for negligence. *K storms out*
M: What a Bitch Nugget.

by Dragonspirit32 September 24, 2024

Bitch nugget

My boyfriend

"My boyfriend is such a gay bitch nugget

by Gayfucktardy March 18, 2017

Bitch Nugget

An unintellectual who lacks understanding in jokes, or viral internet memes.

"Did you hear about Rebecca? She's such a bitch nugget. Her dry humor is giving me a heatstroke."

by Your 2nd Mother October 26, 2019

Bitch Nugget

A bitch nugget is someone who has a giant zit on their face and hates cats or dogs and is usually an East Asian man. It comes from the word bitch meaning gross and nugget meaning sliced fried potatoes peices, which can also look like a zit on an east asian person. The dog part comes from how both cats and dogs love eating nuggets.

"Oh my god John I just shit my pants."
"Will it work?"
"Expecting yet!"
"He is a bitch nugget!" *Points to Harold's Shoes*

by JeffDunhamFan69420BLAZEIT!WEED December 1, 2021

Bitch Nugget

A bitch nugget is a slang for an idiotic and very feminine person

Quit acting like a bitch nugget, Brody.

by TurtlGod May 28, 2022

Bitch Nugget

Someone who indulges in copious amounts of fatherless behavior, without any recollection of doing so.

Ashley: "men are gross, except when they buy my only fans"
Me: "Shut the fuck up Bitch Nugget"

by DemonIsAway January 2, 2023