Verb.; the process of having sexual intercourse with a banana.
Jack: "I'm in need of some potassium! Imma bang-ana!"
When you have intercourse with another person and they visually go blank and have no recollection of your physical being other than your face!!!
She was just a Bang Face! I don’t remember anything else!
When you help get somebody laid.
Anjelica: Hey Noah, there's this guy named Miles that I really like. Do you think you could help me out and be my bang man?
Noah: I guess so, ass hat.
Asking a girl if she has ever had sex wit a big dick slick Rick ass nigga ayo you bang
Ayo you bang cause I wanna hit that shit long dick style
The sweetest bang of your life.
That was a cotton candy bang
Meaning: take this (more) serious.
A: It’s just a Spanish exam I won’t need Spanish after this year anyway.
B: Stop banging the bartender