She’s beautiful and cold , sweet and mysterious. Everything is dying yet beautiful. It’s still and the tree smell reminds you of snow but warmth . Crisp breath . Timelessness. Life and death
If a poem could be you , a poem of Autumn Arnold
A beautiful friend who will make you laugh forever. She's kind, caring, funny, smart, and if you find an autumn mercer never let her go. She is a perfect example of the phrase "It's what's inside that counts." And if you're lucky, she might just be a weirdo.
"That girl is such an autumn mercer, I love her!
a beautiful but annoying girl who usually has blonde-brown hair that is super curly and hard to brush
she likes pllaying and cuddles dont mess with her shes a girl who is stronger than she looks, shes not scared to punch or kick you (mainly in the balls or chest)
autumn-rose was stronger than him
i wish i could be autumn-rose !!!
cute asf, especially with those glasses 🥺🤩
bruh have you seen Autumn Davis?
A girl who a man once thought he couldn't get.
Someone who is so mysterious yet simple.
Autumn just her name calms ones spirit.
She fresh like the weather and is super fucking rad.
Autumn H is the nices most caring girl you will ever meet. She is very pretty and will always be there for you. If you know an Autumn try to get close to her she is the best person you will ever meet
Guy 1: who is that girl
Guy2: I don’t know but she is super cute
Guy 3: That’s Autumn H I just want to date her
When teeth are turning colors and falling out.
That met-head has Autumn Teeth, those chompers are turning colors and falling out.