A disorder of the temporomandibular joint symptomatic of a click caused by excessive dick sucking.
I was sucking johnnys dick last night and now i have a dick click!!!!
1. pertaining to a group of individuals that feel comfortable enough to include each chosen friend as a status to feel secure by excluding others who they feel are inadequacy, based on judgement of the entire mass.
2. judgmental focus group of peers.
3. self seekers based on logical compromise via click like emotion.
4. a clicking sound of thinking quickly to rule out another speedily.
1. Oh my gosh, Debbie is so down all the time, she's not invited to our "social-click" outside orgy and buffet of promiscuity because she is sad for not being able to have what we got, and that is free love between each other, who are the only ones that offer this type of fornication.
2. He's in but your out of our social click.
3. Your invited but your friend can't come to our social click.
Internet articles with no respectable content that are designed SOLELY for the purpose of getting people to click on their shit. Link titles often include "what happens next is amazing!" or similar
"This stranger just gave a random dog a dictionary. You won't believe what happens next!" <-click smut
That face you make when you clench your teeth and spread your mouth widely to the side and slightly downwards, so that the tendons in the side of your neck stand out, as you widen your eyes, furrow your brows, and give a little shrug.
Torris Demmock turned round to the expectant audience and gave a linguering Barlous click.
What is commonly referred to as a: Television remote
Jeremy: Yo fart-gargler, where'd you hide the click stick?
Donnie: Check the couch!
When one accidentally does something on an electronic device leading to an unintended consequence such as looking something up you didn't mean to or sending a text you didn't mean to.
John: I just boomer clicked and somehow sent my ex girlfriend a text
Expression of frustration or disappointment
The show was a disappointment— click sigh.