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custom curse word

When a toy has an option to add a custom sound to it and some random kid yells "FUCK" in it and you cannot change it for some reason.

This custom curse word is a sword that shouts "FUCK" whenever it hits something.

by ilikekamenrider March 14, 2024

custom ink

The god of all brands in Montgomery Texas

Custom ink is my god, custom ink!!!!

by Juanisjustmad2q April 19, 2018

Wille Customs

The most amazing man to walk the planet. He’s got an amazing personality and is willing to take on any task. He’s definitely an alpha male and doesn’t take shit from anyone.

Wille Customs an actual stud.

by Stud alpha March 1, 2022

Pretentious customer

Usually a very petty person with a limited point of view and absolutely no patience. One that thinks that the express lane is only for them!

A pretentious customer is one to think it is okay to cut in front of everyone with a full cart through the speed lane because they don't want to wait in that long line over there. I'm a special snowflake.

by Linit March 29, 2017

custom and tradition

(n.) What has been done for a very long time, although rarely recorded. Custom and tradition can often over-rule statute law.

An example of custom and tradition is leaving newspapers outside a newsagents' in the early morning, allowing them to be taken by passers by. The delivery company does not have to change its' ways legally because ti falls under custom and tradition, and this practice dates back to the first instances of newspapers in the western world.

by Gumba Gumba June 3, 2004

Craft Master Custom Pools

Palm Beach County Pool Builder since 1994.

Delray Beach Pool Builders Craft Master Custom Pools is designing my pool.

by The Pool Guy November 23, 2022

The customers behind George

"The customers behind George" is an expression used to describe something that sucks, is boring and/or ruins your day.

This math class is like the customers behind George!

by EpicBrainKing June 7, 2021